HB Innovision Tackles Youth Employment Through Gaming

Game development company HB InnoVision has announced a partnership with SBS through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to foster talent in the gaming industry as part of its youth employment initiative. Additionally, HB InnoVision is collaborating with Gyeonggi Game Meister High School, a specialized vocational high school, to hire students and provide them with hands-on […]

HB Innovision, Developer of the Game ‘Last Nova,’ Appoints Peter King as CEO

HB InnoVision, Developer of Unreal Engine-Based Game ‘Last Nova,’ Appoints Peter King as CEO HB InnoVision, the game development company behind the Unreal Engine-based game Last Nova, announced on the 3rd that Peter King has been appointed as its CEO. Peter King is expected to lead HB InnoVision toward a new phase of growth, leveraging […]