HB Innovision Tackles Youth Employment Through Gaming

Game development company HB InnoVision has announced a partnership with SBS through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to foster talent in the gaming industry as part of its youth employment initiative.

Additionally, HB InnoVision is collaborating with Gyeonggi Game Meister High School, a specialized vocational high school, to hire students and provide them with hands-on experience. These students are actively contributing to the development of the large-scale Unreal Engine-based project, Last Nova.

Peter King, CEO of HB InnoVision, stated, “The youth employment initiative goes beyond mere recruitment; it aims to provide young people with a platform to grow into globally competitive gaming professionals. This initiative is expected to contribute not only to the advancement of the gaming industry but also to addressing youth unemployment challenges.”

This partnership represents a significant first step in a collaborative effort involving the government, industry, and educational institutions. HB InnoVision is anticipated to become a key player in nurturing future talent for the gaming industry.

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